Monday, September 26, 2011

I survived!

I made it through my first day vegan! BUT my survival was really getting through the day without enough sleep.

I had a rough start to today. It started with oversleeping an hour. I had to finish a presentation before my 9 o'clock class. I hadn't done any homework all weekend. I don't usually do homework on Sundays, but I HAD to do this presentation so I did the easy parts of it Sunday night and then finished it Monday morning.

Well, since I woke up late, I skipped really getting ready, skipped making my morning smoothie and didn't make myself anything for lunch. I scarfed a banana on my way to campus and decided to just come home between classes to make lunch and dinner.

And you know what my luck was? We ran out of time so now I'm giving my presentation on Wednesday. REALLY? I could have slept more?

Coming home after class was great. I did homework and made delicious food. Food was pretty easy for most of the day, but then at work I got hungry. Being vegan means no vending machine choices - that's probably a very very good thing.

And the verdict on veganism...not that hard. I already don't eat a lot of processed food. And those roasted veggies I had for dinner....delicious!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Swear Words and Latkes

Ok, so the big news and transition in my life and this blog. I'm going to go *whispers* vegan...

You still here?

You see, around these parts of Utah, "vegetarian" is likened to a swear word. "Vegan," well it's the grand-mother of dirty words (catch the reference? "The F-dash-dash-dash word.")

But I definitely don't see it that way. I believe animals are to be eaten and their by-products used, HOWEVER, I completely disagree with growing a chicken in half the time, dunking it in chlorine baths and not adequately paying the farmer who raised it. I disagree with spraying red meat with ammonia gas to kill the e-coli that is present because they're fed corn because corn is subsidized and it allows the rich to get richer. You should really watch Food, Inc.

I disagree with eating meat everyday - that's not sparingly. I don't even think every other day is sparingly.

But I don't judge you for eating it. Most people don't even know what's going on and even if they do, not eating meat won't be a solution to the problem. And also, who doesn't love a juicy burger with all the fixings?

Vegan because it's healthy. I read studies done. It helps diabetics (something I worry of developing) more than the diet suggested by the Diabetic Association.

This is just a test run. I've totally done my homework. If I don't like it, I might just be vegetarian. And if I want to eat animal products, they will be organic. I won't be too strict because Thanksgiving. Christmas. DUH

I'm currently eating the last of my eggs, yogurt, sour cream. This morning, it was veggie latkes with sour cream. YUM! And I can still make them minus the eggs and sour cream. I think it will be a favorite.

K, that was long. I'll give you updates on how it goes, how I feel, what I eat and also more interesting things like the research I'm doing in school, the adventures with my roommate and possibly my politic opinions (unless you don't like that kind of thing)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to running....and blogging

and it feels good! Except now I know how out of shape I am. I didn't run too far, but just enough. I'm wheezing and I feel like Wheezy from Toy Story.

I didn't wheeze this much when I started running last year, even in the snow, so I wonder if it has something to do with it being night time, me being exhausted and oh yeah, maybe the pizza and brownies I consumed at work tonight.

BUT that will be the last of that. More info on why coming soon :)