Monday, May 30, 2011


My goodness is Utah green! I have been told it has been raining for the last week and it doesn't seem to stop, but the green trees remind me of back east. Now if only there were more of them...

I'm back in Utah for an exciting spring/summer. It was sad leaving Monterey. Even though I was only there for a month, I loved the area and the people. But the mountains here are beautiful and it's great to see friends.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Czech Me Out!

I saw these shirts when I was in Prague and I regret not buying one because they are awesome. Equally awesome is that my mom started a blog! I told you she was rad. Check(Czech) her out here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Great Weekend

This past weekend was great!

Friday night, a friend was kind enough to take Tyler and I out to a fantastic French Restaurant. Amazing food, classical guitar and good company made for a wonderful evening. It was also fun to see Pacific Grove. It's a picturesque beach town.

Saturday, Tyler and I went to the beach down in Carmel where all the wild flowers are in bloom. It was a gorgeous day out, but then again, everyday is. Then we drove down the coast and it was breathtaking!

Monday, May 9, 2011


It was a great weekend, which I'll have to catch you up on later. Today, I have to say how grateful I am for my mom. Yes, it's a day later, but why not spread out Mother's Day? Shouldn't we celebrate our mothers every day?

My mom is rad! She listens to more pop music than I do, she is a true chocoholic and she is an awesome painter. She gives great advice, listens to phone calls that are just to pass the time while you walk to class and is always willing to help someone out. She's been an awesome momma and I love her!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

I really hope you sang that title like I did. Did you play that game? I totally did, but honestly, I never really understood it. That goes the same for the show. I think it was just that catchy tune that always got me.

Well, instead of Carmen, you are probably wondering where in the world I am. It's not Provo, Mesa, Alaska or Germany. No, I am in paradise, also known as Monterey, CA.

And now you're wondering why. No, I still haven't graduated yet. You see, back in January, I went to dinner with some friends and this cool guy came with us. To make a long story short, I thought he was pretty awesome and he's in grad school in Monterey. So I packed up my things and headed to California. Oh, and yes, the feelings are mutual between us. I'm not THAT crazy!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo! It is a very important day.

No, not because I am celebrating the freedom of Mexico. My friend from Mexico said NOT to wish her a happy Cinco de Mayo because she doesn't celebrate it. Nor do I use today as an excuse to drink and party, because I don't really do that.

No, today marks the day of this new blog! Yay!

I know you are just as excited as I am... and if you aren't, you really should be because life is pretty exciting these days. I'll try and catch you up in the next few days.